Category Archives: self control
Don’t Say too Much
There are always times in our lives when we wished we had said less and done more, or simply just not have opened our mouths to begin with. There is a quote than hangs on my sister’s fridge, “Speak in anger and you will give the best speech you will even regret,” or something to that effect. There is a gem of knowledge in that simple phrase that is easily mined. Think before you speak… … Continue reading →
Tagged | saying too much, taking in volume, think before speaking
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Too Much talk, Not Enough Action
There are so many people who talk a big game, but when it comes right down to it, they have absolutely no substance. These are the used car sales people in life, always promising something better than what they have or they can give, only to let you down. The unfortunate truth is that most people don’t pay any attention to this because it’s become a societal norm. We as Americans in general talk a … Continue reading →
Tagged | action, do what you say, empty promises, promises
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When Emotion Outweighs Logic
Oh, emotions, how you complicate our lives, make us feel alive, and make us wish we were dead! How many times a day are your emotions making decisions for you? How many times have you known in your head that you were unnecessarily sad, agitated, angry, frustrated, or upset about something in your life? This happens to me on a regular basis, and it takes practice to learn to stop it before it starts. Emotions … Continue reading →
Tagged | control yourself, decode your feelings, emotional age, emotional overflow, self control
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