Very often we find ourselves in a funk, especially this time of year – shorter days, colder weather, less outdoor activity. With our lack of physical energy typically comes a lack of mental energy as well. It’s only natural for us to feel a bit low, but it’s not natural to let yourself sink into it. But what if you do… what if you are in a funk and all you see is gray?
It may sound like a self-help podcast, but positive thinking is all anyone needs to change their outlook on life… and change their lives. I’ve talked many times about how everyone has the power to change their lives, and I believe it’s true – I see the results of my own beliefs in my life on a daily basis.
This time of year can get me down, so I have to work extra hard to see the good in things – and it’s not very easy sometimes! It’s so much easier to focus on what we don’t have, what has gone wrong in our day or week, or what we want and haven’t attained quite yet in our lives. The reality of daily life is there are far more positive things than negative things that happen to us each day that we simply take for granted.
Our health, our family, our friends, a car to get to work, even our stressful jobs are all positive things in our lives that we often take for granted. I’ve found that things that are negative one day can actually lead to positive things the next day, or weeks later even. It’s all about our outlook on life and how we choose to frame each situation, each moment we are a part of. Bad things will always happen, and that has nothing to do with the kind of people we are or the kind of people we are evolving into.
Our outlook has to do as much with how our day goes as who we are. We could be good people but if all we expect in our life are bad things, sure enough bad things are what we will get. We could even be mediocre people, but if we project positive attitudes, good things will happen and we, in turn will become better people if we appreciate the cycle of return.
Positivity is the most powerful tool we have in our toolboxes to fix anything that is broken, inĀ ill-repair, or falling apart. But we have to use the tool to see the results, sitting and thinking about doing it will never get us anywhere.