Tag Archives: kindness
The Butterfly Effect
While this was also the title for a move featuring Ashton Kutcher, and it’s somewhat related to this post, my topic aligns a bit more with the original implications of the theory. In Chaos Theory, The Butterfly Effect describes how a small event can be related to a completely unrelated large event (the links are to Wikipedia for your reading pleasure). These two events do not have to occur in direct succession of one another, … Continue reading →
Tagged | chaos, chaos theory, gratitude, kindness, misdeeds, the butterfly effect
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Simple Kindness & Showing Gratitude
This morning on my way through the drive-thru at Starbucks I was surprised to find the person in front of me had purchased my coffee for me. When I asked what the reason was the barista answered, “She said other people had done it for her and she wanted to return the gesture.” I sat there in awe of what had just happened, car idling as they handed me my free drink. How random is … Continue reading →
Tagged | free coffee, gratitude, kindness, simple kindness
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