Category Archives: do the right thing
It Can Always Get Worse
There are always times when we find ourselves in a particularly bad situation. These situations aren’t dependent on who we are, or how we live our lives, or how much money we make – bad things happen to everyone. There is no selection process for who is stricken with a particular malady in life and who is not – tragedy is blind to it’s subject. When bad things happen it’s always an easy time to … Continue reading
Tagged | bad times, dark days, tragedy
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Do the Right Thing
Doing what is popular or generates the best outcome for you is often much easier than doing what is right. -Anonymous Why is doing the right thing so hard sometimes? Whether it’s holding the door, turning in a lost wallet you found, giving back extra change to an absent-minded cashier, or paying back debts to others there always seems to be a part of us that wants to do what is best for us, and … Continue reading
Tagged | do the right thing, ethics, morals, personal values
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