Category Archives: good days
It Can Always Get Worse
There are always times when we find ourselves in a particularly bad situation. These situations aren’t dependent on who we are, or how we live our lives, or how much money we make – bad things happen to everyone. There is no selection process for who is stricken with a particular malady in life and who is not – tragedy is blind to it’s subject. When bad things happen it’s always an easy time to … Continue reading
Tagged | bad times, dark days, tragedy
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Serendipity is the sparkle of everyday life
What gets you out of bed in the morning? What big things in your life charge you up and get you going? Those are typically easy questions to answer, everyone has dreams, drives, and wants that motivate them to move. But what about the small things… the tiniest of things that happen each day? How often do we take the time to stop and consider those extraordinarily small moments that make us smile? Far too often … Continue reading
Tagged | appreciation, good days, live for today, living in the moment, simple moments
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